Empowered Like Never Before – FPUK.co


Hi Friends,

Wow I am completely blown away, encouraged, motivated like never before since Escaping The Rat Race and providing for myself. Ive just got back from our yearly conference and I am shocked at how much dedication and determination our management team are giving us by providing us with the tools to do the job.

Whether you are in business for yourself or working for someone else, do you have to correct tools to do your job or the work you need to do? Do you always wish it would be easier if I had that tool or if this worked better it would be so much easier. Well most of you know that I’ve been involved with Network Marketing since 1992 and have worked for a few companies until I found the fit for me. Now I know I have the perfect glove that fits what I want to be doing.

I initially needed more income coming in alongside my full time Landscaping Business, I needed more time freedom to allow me time with my family, children’s school assemblies and other things during the day, like being able to ‘do lunch’ or ‘do coffee’ when ever i wanted to and not worry about the money not coming in while I was taking time out from working.

Thats the beauty of Residual Income which basically means being paid forever just for doing something once, my previous companies I’d worked for, and when I was employed I only got paid for the hours I did or for the products I made, and when I didn’t work I didn’t get paid and that sucked.

Now I visit a client once and show them how to easily save money and then I get paid from that one visit every month month after month – forever, now that is the power of Residual Income providing time freedom.

But we’ve now been given even better tools by the leaders in our business, tools that get the job done so much easier than ever before with little to no room for error and guaranteed success.

Do you have the correct tools, are your leaders in your job, business or industry keeping with cutting edge technology to make it easier to do your job, provide better earnings for you and therefore better income for the business?

Never before have I been this excited about my future and the possibilities it gives me and all those in our business to achieve the dreams they set out to achieve.

If you are based in the UK and would like to know more about the business I’m in then please call me on 01394 549364 or 087930 464461 for a chat and I’d love to be able to help you.

Ok the suns shining this morning and my morning cup of coffee is waiting for me outside, so have an awesome day stay blessed and seek those better tools today.


Andrew 🙂


How To Prosper – FPUK.co

Hi Friends,

Today I want to visit with you about seasons of famine and seasons of plenty. You see, in life… things happen. And occasionally they spin totally out of your control. You never know when you’ll have an emergency, a sudden left turn or get stuck without a job.

Sometimes you plant the right seeds, you till, you slave and you nourish those seeds. But if you plant during a season of drought you might not be seeing the crop you worked so hard for.

The only way to see yourself through these times, is to prepare for the season of famine. If you are gluttonous or a spoiled brat addicted to pleasures, you will not survive the famine! He who tills his land will have plenty of food, But he who follows empty pursuits will have poverty in plenty. (Proverbs 28:19)

Learn to get your body off the drugs of spending on pleasures and luxuries. You need to condition yourself to live a simple a life so you can accumulate wealth while others are going broke. This will also provide you with a reserve during the seasons of famine.

What season are you currently in? If you are in seasons of plenty:

  1. Work on paying off your debt NOW, while you can.
  2. Simplify your lifestyle, sell stuff you don’t need and live on less.
  3. Don’t spend every dime you make! If you spend every dollar you make, you are not being a good steward of your seeds. But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.(Deuteronomy 8:18)

If you are in a season of famine:

  1. Don’t use credit cards to keep up a facade of financial stability. SIMPLIFY
  2. If you don’t have an income, get one now. Whiners will starve, do-ers will win (and eat).
  3. Take responsibility and make the needed changes. Stop blaming the economy, the job market, your parents or whatever!
  4. Grow your skills. Especially with people. Remember, opportunity comes from people and so does money.
  5. Stop looking for the easy way to succeed. It will lead you to a dead end!
  6. As soon as you start making money, don’t spend it! Refer to back to the tips for seasons of plenty.

Our first 10 years in business we made money and repeatedly lost it! After that we finally got smart and figured out how to make, keep and grow it.

It starts with killing your greed and gluttony. Great wealth is in the house of the righteous, But trouble is in the income of the wicked.(Proverbs 15:6) I’m not saying you can’t have fun or pleasures. I’m saying get off the drug of excess. You will massively decrease your stress once you simplify.

Don’t fear your season of famine, prepare for it! Share your thoughts with me on today’s message and don’t forget to Like and Share this with your friends or family. What season is your life in?

Have an amazing day and stay blessed



Get Paid For Doing Your Chores – FPUK.co

Cash pic

Hi Friends,

As we are on the crest of a new season, it is the perfect time to sit down and figure out what you would like to happen in the next few months. What would you like to accomplish, where would you like to go?

This is a great time to clean out your garage, de-clutter that attic, organize the cupboards and clean out your car. That probably wasn’t the fun answer you were looking for, but let me explain how all of this can actually HELP you out.

The season we are prepping to enter is all about fresh, new things. SO today I want to share a few fresh ideas to help you dump the old and fatten your wallet while you’re at it.

1. In the coming weeks, the weather will start getting nicer – it’s just got to… right!? So start planning a garage sale! As you’re cleaning your house, sorting through the clutter that has accumulated over the last year, and organizing the garage, use this opportunity to get rid of the things you no longer use. Have the kids grown out of their clothes and shoes? Do you have extra tools lying around that never get used? You can even get together with several other families and have a huge multi-family garage sale! This is a great way to make some quick cash AND rid your home of all that clutter.

2. As you are cleaning behind the washer and dryer or vacuuming the sofa cushions, start a coin collection. You’d be surprised how quickly coins add up between the cup holder in your car and the pile on your dressing table.

3. Stop going to the car wash. By cutting your own lawn, washing your car or pets at home, you will save pounds in the long run. Now that the weather will be more bearable there is no excuse to pay someone else to do work around the house.

Those may seem like 3 very small things that may not matter very much. But here’s what most people get wrong when it comes to money: They think they have to wait to pay off their debt until they can do it all at once. They think they have to make huge changes or no changes at all. They think the small changes or actions are insignificant, so they don’t make them.

But the TRUTH is, small, simple steps lead to big results. If you wait until you make more money or you win the lottery, or you can afford to pay off all your debt at once, you will stay broke and in debt the rest of your life.

So choose today to make the small changes. Choose to follow the tips I gave you today. And I would really love to hear your best spring cleaning tips as well – especially if they will help others save money or make money! Leave me your comments and be sure to Like and Share today’s message.

Stayed blessed and have an amazing day.



Top Tips To Success

Without a change of course, there can be no change of destination. It’s such a powerful statement, and so true. Think about it. In life, we often expect a different destination, but we stay on the same road and we are shocked when we don’t arrive at the place we say we want to arrive.

Life, success, goals, and designing our lives is really not that difficult. . For example, if your going onto a training course in Monaco South of France, it’s as simple as booking a ticket. When you’re booking that plane ticket, the first questions you have to answer are where are you leaving from, where are you going, and what are the dates?

Obviously the method of transportation you chose was an airplane. So that plane has a course, and the course leads to the destination. Say you’re leaving from Heathrow airport, and you would like to leave on May 16th, and you’d like to fly home on May 20th.
So you’ll head to the airport at Heathrow and you board the airplane. That pilot has a course. He has a fully charted course that is going to lead the plane and the 250 passengers in the plane to the destination of Monaco.

Success truly is that simple. The problem is, we come from this lottery society that expects their destination to just fall out of the sky and land on them. If the destination is becoming debt free, they think they will get lucky someday, whether it’s winning the lottery or somehow the ‘debt fairy’ is going to come take the debt away. Or people have this idea of the destination of getting a promotion in their job or becoming the VP of a company someday or running a very successful business.

That’s the destination they want, but the course they chose does not lead to that destination. Whatever your desired destination, you have to look at your course to determine whether or not you will get there. If the destination is having a harmonious, passionate, fulfilling marriage and family life, you have to make sure your course will lead you there.

Let’s go back to the pilot. What did the pilot have to learn? He had to learn how to fly. He had to learn how the airplane works. He had to learn how to land that thing in case of an emergency. He has to know how to solve problems all along the way. There are so many skills he had to learn in order to chart the course, take the plane 35,000 feet in the air, and stay on course until he gets all of the passengers safely on the ground at their destination.

It’s the same for you with paying off your debt or growing in your business or career. It’s the same for you with succeeding in marriage and raising successful kids. It’s the same for your health, or even a goal of feeding orphans or volunteering your time with the elderly. We don’t have any problems picking a destination. The issue is charting the course.

You have to chart the course and evaluate – What skills do I need in order to get to my destination? The bottom line is, without a change of course, there can be not change of destination.

Most people have chosen a course that does not lead them to where they want to go. And then, of course, there are the people who have not even picked out a destination. There are others who have charted a course, but they ran into some thunderstorms and they quit. They quit when they ran out of skill instead of gaining more skills.

It takes skill to reach your destination, and you can learn those skills. You can push through the places where you have run out of skill or you don’t know how to solve a problem or you don’t know which direction to go. You can invest into more skill so you can learn how to solve that problem. Just like a pilot runs into a thunderstorm, but he has the skill to navigate through it and exactly what course to take in order to reach the destination.

So today I want you to evaluate your course. Will it get you where you want to go? If not, you either have to change your course or change your destination. And if you change your course, what skills do you need to successfully chart out your course and to get to your destination?

If this has helped you today, please do me a quick favor. There is somebody else you know who needs to hear this. There is someone you know who may be off course in their finances, business, career, or personal life, and they are searching for direction. So go ahead and pass this message along to them. You can forward this email, or just post this link on Facebook and Twitter.

To start a residual paying home business in the UK click here


J-O-B Respect


Hi Friends

Today I want to talk to you about a mindset that is very common in the world of home business, and it is very limiting and very harmful to your future success.

You have probably encountered someone with this mindset, either in person or on Facebook. They talk about how horrible it is to have a job. You know, a J-O-B, ‘Just-Over-Broke’. These people try to recruit people into their business so they can finally ‘fire their boss’ and ‘break free from their 9-5 prison’. Many people use these phrases without even realizing what they’re even saying, or the result of the words they speak.

But today I want to pick this mindset apart and expose the truth about it. Because it really does set you up for failure, whether you have a job or career, or you are a business owner.

First, let’s talk about the business owner who tries to recruit people using these tactics. They say, “Hey, you still have a J-O-B? Come on, it’s time to fire your boss and start creating your own success, not your boss’s!”

But tell me, what kind of people do you think you will attract by motivating them by how much they hate their job and their boss, or by their feelings of being ‘trapped in a J-O-B’? You are painting a picture of being ungrateful and unhappy. You plant negative thoughts in their minds about their job or their boss, which then causes them to think and act negatively at work.

Because of the thoughts you have put into their minds, they are no longer prospering where they are planted. They are not working with excellence and diligence in their job because they now have a completely different perspective. They heard about a business opportunity, and suddenly their view of having a job totally changes. And if they can’t prosper where they’re planted when working at a job, what makes you think it will be any different when they get started in your business?

So you are not only sabotaging yourself here, by creating an attitude in that person that, quite frankly, you’re not going to want to work with even if they did decide to work with you in your business. But you are sabotaging the other person’s success in their job. It is not beneficial for you OR them. It does not help you build a business.

Not to mention, you reap what you sow. If you put those kinds of thoughts about their job into that person’s mind and they rip up their roots to move to your bright and shiny opportunity, what’s going to happen when someone else comes along and feeds them negative thoughts about you and your business and then offers them a different bright and shiny opportunity? They’re going to take it! And why? Because you reap what you sow.

I also want us to look at the other perspective – the employee. See, if you allow yourself to start listening to those phrases and speaking them, they will take root inside of your mind. It will cause you to hate your job, hate your boss, hate the people you work with, and hate that you have to work at a job 9-5.

But tell me, can you have that kind of attitude towards your 9-5 life, and then after-hours, turn around and have a good, positive mindset of an entrepreneur? NO! You can’t.

Not only that, but what is your work environment like when you have that mindset? You are just there sucking the air out of that place. People don’t like being around negative people. And guess what! When you hate where you are and what you’re doing, you are negative!

Please understand me when I say this – I am NOT bashing any industry or business. And I’m NOT saying you shouldn’t start a business, or even that you shouldn’t work a business full-time. I am simply exposing a very damaging mindset that has become very common, because I truly care about your success. I want to see you succeed.

Our culture tells us that if we’re not happy, we should move on to something else that will make us happy. It is because of that mindset that people are so easily tantalized and seduced into other bright shiny opportunities. It is because of that mindset that people do not have roots. They decide they don’t like what they’re doing, or ‘it’s not working’ or they get bored, so they uproot themselves and move on to something different without even giving themselves a chance to succeed in anything. The bottom line is, the deeper the roots, the bigger and better the fruit.

Now that you can see what this ‘J-O-B’ mindset really looks like and the results, you know it is not beneficial. It will not help you grow your business. It will actually hurt you and the people around you.

So set yourself up for success instead of failure today by not listening and giving into the mindset that says it’s a nuisance to have a job. Choose to work with diligence and excellence – both in skill and in attitude – and to prosper where you’re planted, whether that’s a business or a job. Learn to lead others properly and to form mutually beneficial relationships. Protect your future with honor instead of burning bridges. You will be amazed by how successful you will become!

I know you know a few (or several) people who have been affected by this mindset, either personally or by someone they know. It would be wise to go ahead and send this to them now. You can also be proactive and send this message to your employees/colleagues, as well as your business partners today. You can forward this email, or share this link on Facebook and Twitter.

That’s it for today, go out there and make the difference to your life, your family’s lives and to everyone you know and come across today

Stay blessed

Andrew 🙂


Get Things Done

Have you noticed how busy people are today? It’s almost as if busyness is perceived as success… As if being busy was the same as getting things done.

I think in today’s world, we tend to glorify busyness. Just look around you. Think about how many times a day you hear others say, “Gosh, I’m so busy today!” or “Wow, what a busy week!” How many times a day do you feel like you’re running around in circles, jumping from one task to another, all the while, taking phone calls, texting, and answering emails?

We teach our kids to be busy, between homework and football and sailing and piano lessons and dance and gymnastics and church and chores. You hand them a piece of toast and rush them out the door early in the morning to take them to school, and then pick them up after school and race from one activity to the next, and picking up dinner from a drive-thru somewhere in there. By the time you get home in the evening, everyone is wiped out and grouchy, and it’s time for bed. (Sleep, wake up, repeat.)

We are busy at work and busy at home. We are busy in the car while driving, busy at the dinner table, and we’re even busy while we’re on the toilet! We are busy 24/7.

What does it feel like to be busy? Your heart is beating fast, you may be short of breath, and you feel like you just can’t move fast enough. You’re trying to keep up with your to-do list that seems to be growing faster than you’re marking things off. You’re working 60 hours a week just so you don’t get any further behind than you already are.

There’s something I learned many years ago, and I’m telling you, I live by this truth. That is, you do not get paid for the time you put in, but for the results you produce. When you produce results, you raise your value, which means you raise your pay.

But it seems like most people today are so busy, we aren’t getting anything done. We are so busy, we aren’t producing results. And if we’re not producing results – at home, at school, at work, at church – we’re wasting time, energy, and money. Busyness produces stress, burnout, no fun, poor relationships, and poor health. We can be busy, or we can be productive. One produces results, and one produces excuses. (When’s the last time you heard – or even said – “I can’t, I’m busy”?)

It’s so easy to fill hours with non-productive things. It’s easy to over-complicate things and create more work for ourselves.

That’s why it’s so important to identify and eliminate the nonsense things on your list. What is on your to-do list that is not benefiting you, your business, your career, your health, or your family? What unnecessary steps can you eliminate from your processes in order to streamline and simplify? What distractions are in your life that cause your focus to be scattered? All of these things lead to busyness, not productivity.

This is so NOT just about making more money, though that is part of it. This is about eliminating stress, having more fun, setting the right example for your children, protecting your health, and accomplishing your goals.

It’s easy to get into a rut of busyness and to just stop thinking about what we’re doing and whether or not we’re producing results. But today, let’s stop and check that out. Do not go mindlessly through your day today. Instead, pay attention to what you’re doing and look at the results you’re getting. The results will tell you where your focus should be!

The majority of the population is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, always doing something, but not producing consistent results. But you are not supposed to be one of them. How do I know that? Because you are reading this post right now. You are reading this because it’s time for you to step up and take control of your time.

When you do this, you will make more money, have less stress, have more time to spend with your friends and family, and finally be able to accomplish the goals that you have continued to put off because you’ve just been too busy to do anything about them. My friend, it’s time to stop the glorification of “busy”, and start producing results!

Who do you know that needs to read this today? Go ahead and pass this link along to your friends, family, and colleagues, or even forward the email or print it out for them. Can you imagine if your entire family or company was focused on producing results instead of just being busy all the time? What a different environment that would be. 🙂


How to define your career goals

Hey ,
I hear all the time about zombies in today’s entertainment and media. It seems to be a common joke and popular movie or book plotline that the zombie apocalypse is coming, and we all need to prepare! But would you believe it if I told you the zombies are already here? The fight for your brain has already begun!

And I am being serious. Think about it this way. When you were a child, what did you envision for your life? What did you want to do for work? Did you want to put on your suit and tie and go to work like your father, or did you plan to get rich quick and retire early on a remote beach?

As you’ve grown, your dreams and goals become smaller and smaller until even the huge career dreams you once had are reduced to settling for a paper pushing job. Because man, the economy is in a bad spot and jobs are few and far between. And man, you’ve got student loans, a mortgage, and all these other debts to pay off.

Right there, you just became a zombie! Your mindset has transformed into dead matter that no longer strives for success or has higher goals or visions for itself.

Never again work a job you hate…

It’s time to completely immunize yourself from the diseased economy. It’s time to take total control of your finances and your career.

Because here’s what happens… Life changes constantly and you may have ended up at a job or career that you didn’t plan for. But how do you treat that job? I know for a fact you either do this yourself or you have people in your office who act like this. You become a zombie! You come to work, clock in and out and put in the required amount of time and effort to stick around.

I hear it from both sides, . I’ve heard the dozens of excuses from employees complaining they can’t find good work and the economy is terrible. And on the flipside, I hear DOZENS – if not hundreds – of employers complaining they can’t find good employees!

Look, if you act like a zombie, your boss knows it. Your coworkers know it. They can probably smell you out from a mile away. And sure, some of them might even share brains with you at the lunch table. But that mentality is NOT going to help you reach your goals or obtain the career you’ve always wanted. It isn’t going to help you gain the referrals or promotions to move up or move on to better things. It will keep you exactly where you are.

I was stuck in debt and I started a business from my home selling make up products. Do you think that is what I envisioned for myself? Do you think that was my endgame? Heck no! But you have to be faithful with the little things. He is who faithful with the small things, will be made ruler over much.

Basically what that means is if you take responsibility for what you have in front of you, you will be given more responsibility. If you are taking full advantage of your career opportunities now, you will earn more! And it starts with changing your mentality.

When you adopt a zombie mentality, you limit yourself. You aren’t living and you aren’t dead. You’re not moving backwards, but you certainly aren’t moving forward either. You need to wake up! We all need to wake up! When you start putting 100% into everything you do, I guarantee you will see a change in your life. I guarantee you will see major growth in your life and your career opportunities.

Today I just want to encourage you, because you may not be where you expected in life. Maybe you’re where I used to be, utilizing what’s in front of you just so you aren’t homeless. But you need to know that’s okay. If you’re always being faithful with what you’re given, you won’t get stuck in that mindset!

I think today’s Daily Thought needs to be a topic in your lunch room, instead of complaining about the fax machine or all the things on your to-do list today. Your email is already open, so send it to your colleagues and friends now! We all need encouragement and sometimes that push to keep moving forward. Like and comment here, I want to know you’re alive and kicking!