Things To Do In Holidays –

easter 2014

Hi Friends,
For many, Easter holidays will be starting soon, and while the kids are overjoyed about their newfound freedom, many parents are not so overjoyed. Soon you may hear the two little words every parent dreads: “I’m booorrrrred!!!”

Some parents will put their kids in front of the TV or video games for a a couple of weeks of mind-numbing screen time. Other parents will dig deep into their wallets (or simply swipe the credit card) to send their kids to workshops and amusement parks and all different kinds of activities.

But Easter Holiday fun does not have to break the bank! In fact, with a little imagination and planning, you can have the most enjoyable and affordable break ever!

Today I want to give you a few ideas to get you started on the right track. The options truly are endless!

Turn off the TV! Enjoy the beautiful weather instead. Go on a walk, visit the zoo, go camping in the backyard, or go to the swimming pool. You’ll have more fun exploring and getting some fresh air than you would sat in front of the TV!
Find inexpensive and/or free activities in your area. Attend sporting events or concerts. Find local festivals, celebrations or neighbourhood parties. Hold an Easter BBQ. Invite the neighbours kids for a water balloon fight, create an obstacle course, or stage your own Backgarden Olympics.
Give the kids a chance to learn entrepreneurial skills by setting up a car boot or garage sale or starting a dog walking business. They can even help the neighbours with garden work or housecleaning. This is a great way to teach your kids how to start and run a business, as well as how to manage their time and money.
Spend quality time together as a family. Have a Family Game Night, cook dinners together or bake cup cakes with the kids. Spend time really listening to your kids and taking this time to learn more about what makes them tick. When they look back at their Easter Holidays, these are the things they will remember.
Are you catching what I’m saying?? There are tons of ways to be fun and adventurous without spending tons of money! I would love to know what your Easter Holiday plans are. How do you plan to make this a fun, memorable and affordable  break? Leave your comments for me!

It would be a great idea to talk with your family about this, as well. Get their ideas. Find out what your kids would like to do during their break. (You may be surprised by what their idea of fun is!) Pass this message around to your friends, colleagues and people in your community in addition to Liking and Sharing today’s post! There’s always room for more ideas for inexpensive fun.


Thats it for today – start thinking & planning, set time aside to plan for the best for your family.

Stay Blessed

Andrew  FinancialPeaceUK

How To Prosper –

Hi Friends,

Today I want to visit with you about seasons of famine and seasons of plenty. You see, in life… things happen. And occasionally they spin totally out of your control. You never know when you’ll have an emergency, a sudden left turn or get stuck without a job.

Sometimes you plant the right seeds, you till, you slave and you nourish those seeds. But if you plant during a season of drought you might not be seeing the crop you worked so hard for.

The only way to see yourself through these times, is to prepare for the season of famine. If you are gluttonous or a spoiled brat addicted to pleasures, you will not survive the famine! He who tills his land will have plenty of food, But he who follows empty pursuits will have poverty in plenty. (Proverbs 28:19)

Learn to get your body off the drugs of spending on pleasures and luxuries. You need to condition yourself to live a simple a life so you can accumulate wealth while others are going broke. This will also provide you with a reserve during the seasons of famine.

What season are you currently in? If you are in seasons of plenty:

  1. Work on paying off your debt NOW, while you can.
  2. Simplify your lifestyle, sell stuff you don’t need and live on less.
  3. Don’t spend every dime you make! If you spend every dollar you make, you are not being a good steward of your seeds. But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.(Deuteronomy 8:18)

If you are in a season of famine:

  1. Don’t use credit cards to keep up a facade of financial stability. SIMPLIFY
  2. If you don’t have an income, get one now. Whiners will starve, do-ers will win (and eat).
  3. Take responsibility and make the needed changes. Stop blaming the economy, the job market, your parents or whatever!
  4. Grow your skills. Especially with people. Remember, opportunity comes from people and so does money.
  5. Stop looking for the easy way to succeed. It will lead you to a dead end!
  6. As soon as you start making money, don’t spend it! Refer to back to the tips for seasons of plenty.

Our first 10 years in business we made money and repeatedly lost it! After that we finally got smart and figured out how to make, keep and grow it.

It starts with killing your greed and gluttony. Great wealth is in the house of the righteous, But trouble is in the income of the wicked.(Proverbs 15:6) I’m not saying you can’t have fun or pleasures. I’m saying get off the drug of excess. You will massively decrease your stress once you simplify.

Don’t fear your season of famine, prepare for it! Share your thoughts with me on today’s message and don’t forget to Like and Share this with your friends or family. What season is your life in?

Have an amazing day and stay blessed


How to Spend Your Tax Refund –

Tax refund
Hi Friends,
I’m sat in my office this morning thinking about what happened to a friend yesterday, when he told me he’d had a nice tax refund from Her Majesty’s Government, and what he was going to spend it on, but it made me start thinking.

What is a tax refund? I know it may sound silly, but I really want you to think about it. What is it?

A tax refund is just that – a refund of your own hard-earned money. It is not a random gift or a stroke of good luck. It didn’t just come out of nowhere… and it’s NOT extra money. It’s money you worked hard to earn.

According to research  half of us receive refunds, averaging around £1500 each. And while that may seem like a huge relief to some people, it may look like a free shopping trip to others. But today I want us to look at what it really is.

See, we all live in a total “microwave” society today, where we do what we want, when we want, just because we can, without giving any thought to our financial future. And where has that got us? We have traded our financial freedom for more stuff, more debt and more bondage.

We fall into the trap of “more-more-more,” until we find ourselves buried alive in debt. So many people are in constant financial strain, and yet we are more concerned about our stuff than we are about our long-term financial future!

I know right now you’re saying, “Okay Andrew, so what does this have to do with my tax refund?”

There’s one rule proven to be true over and over again, and it is true here. Find out what everyone else is doing and do the exact opposite. You may have heard me say this before: 98% of the population will end up dead or dead broke by the age of 65, dependent on their friends, family, or the government as their main source of income. On the other hand, 2% are doing well financially.

So what can you do to cross over from the 98% to the 2% this tax season? Here are a few ideas:

  1. Keep your goals in mind. When you get a large, unexpected (or expected) chunk of money in your hand, it can be easy to lose sight of the financial goals you have set for yourself. Whether you have a goal to pay off £10,000 of debt, give £10,000 away to orphans, or invest £10,000 this year, do not lose sight of that goal!
  2. Resist temptation. There are all kinds of sales and advertisements, and even articles from so-called “financial experts” giving tons of ideas on how to spend your tax refund this year. They are trying to sell you everything from new clothes to a new BBQ, video games, or even a deposit on a new car. I’m telling you, don’t go there!
  3. Invest. So instead of spending your tax refund foolishly, choose to put that money aside for investing! This way you have a chance to make your money work for you without the fear of losing big.

Here’s what I know about you. You are not called to be one of those people. You were designed for wealth and freedom. How do I know that? Because you are here right now, reading this. Because you have a desire to succeed financially. You have a desire to see your children, your friends, and your community live debt-free, totally financially independent lives.

I would love to know what you think about today’s message. Are you getting (or have you got) a tax refund this year? What do you plan to do with it? I can’t wait to read your comments. But I also have a few more ideas on how to spend your tax refund that I can’t wait to share with you tomorrow. Stay tuned!

I pray you choose wisely today to invest your time and money into building your future not destroy it.

Have an awesome day & stay blessed


Get Paid For Doing Your Chores –

Cash pic

Hi Friends,

As we are on the crest of a new season, it is the perfect time to sit down and figure out what you would like to happen in the next few months. What would you like to accomplish, where would you like to go?

This is a great time to clean out your garage, de-clutter that attic, organize the cupboards and clean out your car. That probably wasn’t the fun answer you were looking for, but let me explain how all of this can actually HELP you out.

The season we are prepping to enter is all about fresh, new things. SO today I want to share a few fresh ideas to help you dump the old and fatten your wallet while you’re at it.

1. In the coming weeks, the weather will start getting nicer – it’s just got to… right!? So start planning a garage sale! As you’re cleaning your house, sorting through the clutter that has accumulated over the last year, and organizing the garage, use this opportunity to get rid of the things you no longer use. Have the kids grown out of their clothes and shoes? Do you have extra tools lying around that never get used? You can even get together with several other families and have a huge multi-family garage sale! This is a great way to make some quick cash AND rid your home of all that clutter.

2. As you are cleaning behind the washer and dryer or vacuuming the sofa cushions, start a coin collection. You’d be surprised how quickly coins add up between the cup holder in your car and the pile on your dressing table.

3. Stop going to the car wash. By cutting your own lawn, washing your car or pets at home, you will save pounds in the long run. Now that the weather will be more bearable there is no excuse to pay someone else to do work around the house.

Those may seem like 3 very small things that may not matter very much. But here’s what most people get wrong when it comes to money: They think they have to wait to pay off their debt until they can do it all at once. They think they have to make huge changes or no changes at all. They think the small changes or actions are insignificant, so they don’t make them.

But the TRUTH is, small, simple steps lead to big results. If you wait until you make more money or you win the lottery, or you can afford to pay off all your debt at once, you will stay broke and in debt the rest of your life.

So choose today to make the small changes. Choose to follow the tips I gave you today. And I would really love to hear your best spring cleaning tips as well – especially if they will help others save money or make money! Leave me your comments and be sure to Like and Share today’s message.

Stayed blessed and have an amazing day.


Utility Prices Still Going Up? – Andrew Chenery


Now’s the time to change for your household or business…

We’ve all seen the headlines and shocking news that energy companies are still pushing up our bills whilst announcing huge profits, and we can do little about it.

Well now is the chance to change that – at least for your household or business.

If you were shown a way to reduce your utility charges each month, with no obligation to take the offer – would you want to see how much you could save?

A local business now offers you that chance. Based in Felixstowe,
Financial PeaceUK can come and show you how you can start saving money, for the same products!

• What does paying less mean to you?
• How would you like to save money?
• Does the cost of having the heating on worry you?

Well we can help reduce those costs for you, taking away those worries!

An appointment with you is totally free, we do not charge you anything – and remember you are under no obligation to take these savings available if you choose not to – we only ask that you take a look.

We can show households and businesses how they could save money on their utility bills despite having contracts with other providers. If you are happy with the savings we can make you, we will take care of making the changes, and again we do not charge for this – we want you to have total Financial Peace!

P.S. Should you decide to accept our offer, there are also savings to be made on other shopping purchases.

To make an appointment contact Andrew in Felixstowe on: 07930 464461 to discuss or request a call back

or email:

Tips to Achieving v Failing

There is a phrase we use in our office all the time. It’s a very powerful phrase that really relieves stress and pressure and brings such a glorious freedom. “Everyone needs an editor.”

If you have ever felt an expectation of perfection in your work, you know the kind of stress that comes with that. The reality is, mistakes happen. And speaking from the perspective of a boss, we know that! We expect that. We do not expect you to be perfect – we just expect you to give it your best shot.

But for some reason, most people have gotten it in their heads that they have to be perfect and get everything right the first time, every time. That expectation of perfection causes you to get stressed out and to actually make more mistakes. It creates pressure, and that pressure causes you to manage your time poorly. Excellence, efficiency, and creativity absolutely do NOT flow out of pressure.

This is where an editor comes in. To edit, by definition, means to prepare for public presentation.

When I finish writing this letter to you today, there will be not one, but TWO editors who will go line-by-line to find any spelling errors, formatting mistakes, and inconsistencies. But imagine what would happen if I got offended when they pointed out the mistakes I have made? Imagine if I refused the help of these two amazing editors. You would be reading a letter that is FULL of mistakes right now
We need each other in order to succeed. We need other people to pull the best out in us – we cannot do that on our own! We cover each other’s weaknesses. Have you heard the phrase, “Two heads are better than one”? It’s so true!

So instead of getting defensive when I get this letter back after it’s been edited and coming up with excuses for why I made those mistakes, I say, “Oh, thank you for pointing that out!”

This is exactly what we have to do in life – at work, at home, in our families and communities. Everyone needs an editor!

What does an editor do? They correct mistakes. Yes, they correct you! They point out errors and help you to adjust, adapt, or change. And why? To help you get better.

How do you respond to correction? What do you say to your “editors” at work? (That may be your boss or your manager, or even your colleagues, who correct you in order to help you and the whole team grow.) Do you get defensive, and say, “Yeah, I know!” or “You know what I meant!”? When your faults are called out, do you rebel against the one who pointed them out? Do you refuse to hear what they have to say? This is total rebellion, insubordination, and dishonor. Rebellious and insubordinate people try to hide their faults, and they are not teachable.

So do not respond to correction with dishonor. Respond with honour and gratitude, because you NEED correction in order to grow, learn, and mature. You need correction in order to get promotions, raises, and bonuses. If you want to advance in your business or career, correction must be part of your life. So welcome correction! It is the only way you will get where you want to go!

Remember that pressure of perfection I told you about earlier? Correction – having an “editor” – relieves that pressure. Perfection can only come through correction.

In order to receive correction, you must be teachable. Teachability is the key to long-lasting success, no matter what you do. When – not if – we make mistakes, whether or not we are teachable will determine if we learn from those mistakes or if we continue making the same mistakes again and again. Teachability requires you to put your ego aside and be willing to learn from the “editors” in your life.

EVERYONE needs an editor! We all make mistakes. Editors help us to correct those mistakes and to learn from them. Then, and only then, we can mature and grow to the next level, whether that is in your job, your business, your home, or your community.

Who do you know that needs to be relieved of the pressure of perfection today? Who do you know that is struggling with feeling like they always just make too many mistakes? This would be a great way to encourage those people. I know this phrase has relieved pressure here in our own office, and it has impacted me in a big way as well. So just go ahead and forward this email to your friends, family, and colleagues, or post this link on Facebook and Twitter.

Click Here for residual UK based business

Gain Sales by Building Relationships

What I want to talk to you about today is something our country is lacking. It’s something the world can’t do without. It’s people filled with an entrepreneurial passion ! And yet, they’re a dying breed. I occasionally hear from clients who are looking to start a home business, and they say to me, “Andrew, I don’t know what kind of home business to start.”

So if that’s you… If you want to start a business, get into sales, or just learn a way to build trust quickly and share your ideas with others, I want to speak directly to you today. Because if you have any interaction with human beings on a daily basis, that means you are in sales,. You are constantly selling your ideas, companionship, values, and business. So listen up!

If you want to be successful in sales, you have to have successful people skills. Think about the last time you saw a Facebook post where one of your friends went on and on about their product or their new band… How interested were you to read that? I want you to keep that example in your head while I explain the two sides to this coin.

Make it about them. When you approach someone and shove your product, opinion, or idea down their throat, they probably will go on the defensive. If you want to disarm people, you have to make it about them. Not about your product, not about you. If you show genuine interest in your prospects, you will be unusually successful.
Find a need and fill it. If you’re wondering where to start in your home business, start here. Where is there a gap in your community that you see a need? Where in your friends’ lives do you see a great need?
If you’re having trouble figuring out what people want, use this quick cheat sheet of things everyone wants. By simply talking to others and listening, THEY will tell you what they want and how to sell to them.

ALL people want to feel special & important.
ALL people want to be honored.
ALL people like to be encouraged.
ALL people need to feel valued.
ALL people like to talk about themselves.
It would be great to have all people using this cheat sheet to communicate with people. And it would be even better to empower each other to get back to our entrepreneurial roots! Forward this email, post this link on your social media platforms, and let’s help our families, colleagues, and neighbours feel encouraged and inspired.

Money Saving Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is here! I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but here in the UK it is just gorgeous! The weather is amazing, and everything is so green.

Have you done your spring cleaning yet? This is a great time to not only clean out your garage or attic, organize your home, and clean your car, but you can also save a lot of money and even make money in the process!

We are in the season of fresh and new things, so today I want to share a few fresh ideas with you to help you make the most of your spring cleaning:

Have a garage sale. As you’re cleaning your house, sorting through the clutter that has accumulated over the last year, and organizing the garage, use this opportunity to get rid of the things you no longer use. Have the kids grown out of their clothes and shoes? What about the boxes of “someday” clothes in the attic? (You know, the ones you will fit into again ‘someday’…) Do you have extra tools lying around that never get used? You can even get together with several other families and have a huge multi-family garage sale! This is a great way to make some quick cash AND rid your home of all the clutter.

Step away from the car wash! Steer clear of the automatic carwash places. You have soap, old rags, and a water hose at home – USE THEM! This is a fun thing for the whole family to do together. (Can anyone say, ‘water fight’???) Take advantage of the nice weather. Get outside and get some fresh air, and mark that task off your list at the same time.

Keep those coins! As you’re cleaning under the couch cushions and the bottom of the closets and behind the washer and dryer, hold on to those coins you find. You may think, “What’s a few pennies here and there?” but believe me, they add up! Cash in those coins and pay off some of your debt, or put them in your holiday fund.
Those may seem like 3 very small things that may not matter that much. But here’s what most people get wrong when it comes to money: They think they have to wait to pay off their debt until they can do it all at once. They think they have to make huge changes or no changes at all. They think the small changes or actions are insignificant, so they don’t make them.

But the TRUTH is, small, simple steps lead to big results. If you wait until you make more money or you win the lottery, or you can afford to pay off all your debt at once, you will stay broke and in debt the rest of your life.

So choose today to make the small changes. Choose to follow the tips I gave you today. And I would really love to hear your best spring cleaning tips as well – especially if they will help others save money or make money! You can leave your comments here.

It would also be great to spread this around your community. These days, everyone is looking for ways to save money, and these tips are some very easy ways to do that. Just forward this email, post this link on your social media platforms, and let’s help our families, colleagues, and neighbours get the most out of their spring cleaning this year!

How to define your career goals

Hey ,
I hear all the time about zombies in today’s entertainment and media. It seems to be a common joke and popular movie or book plotline that the zombie apocalypse is coming, and we all need to prepare! But would you believe it if I told you the zombies are already here? The fight for your brain has already begun!

And I am being serious. Think about it this way. When you were a child, what did you envision for your life? What did you want to do for work? Did you want to put on your suit and tie and go to work like your father, or did you plan to get rich quick and retire early on a remote beach?

As you’ve grown, your dreams and goals become smaller and smaller until even the huge career dreams you once had are reduced to settling for a paper pushing job. Because man, the economy is in a bad spot and jobs are few and far between. And man, you’ve got student loans, a mortgage, and all these other debts to pay off.

Right there, you just became a zombie! Your mindset has transformed into dead matter that no longer strives for success or has higher goals or visions for itself.

Never again work a job you hate…

It’s time to completely immunize yourself from the diseased economy. It’s time to take total control of your finances and your career.

Because here’s what happens… Life changes constantly and you may have ended up at a job or career that you didn’t plan for. But how do you treat that job? I know for a fact you either do this yourself or you have people in your office who act like this. You become a zombie! You come to work, clock in and out and put in the required amount of time and effort to stick around.

I hear it from both sides, . I’ve heard the dozens of excuses from employees complaining they can’t find good work and the economy is terrible. And on the flipside, I hear DOZENS – if not hundreds – of employers complaining they can’t find good employees!

Look, if you act like a zombie, your boss knows it. Your coworkers know it. They can probably smell you out from a mile away. And sure, some of them might even share brains with you at the lunch table. But that mentality is NOT going to help you reach your goals or obtain the career you’ve always wanted. It isn’t going to help you gain the referrals or promotions to move up or move on to better things. It will keep you exactly where you are.

I was stuck in debt and I started a business from my home selling make up products. Do you think that is what I envisioned for myself? Do you think that was my endgame? Heck no! But you have to be faithful with the little things. He is who faithful with the small things, will be made ruler over much.

Basically what that means is if you take responsibility for what you have in front of you, you will be given more responsibility. If you are taking full advantage of your career opportunities now, you will earn more! And it starts with changing your mentality.

When you adopt a zombie mentality, you limit yourself. You aren’t living and you aren’t dead. You’re not moving backwards, but you certainly aren’t moving forward either. You need to wake up! We all need to wake up! When you start putting 100% into everything you do, I guarantee you will see a change in your life. I guarantee you will see major growth in your life and your career opportunities.

Today I just want to encourage you, because you may not be where you expected in life. Maybe you’re where I used to be, utilizing what’s in front of you just so you aren’t homeless. But you need to know that’s okay. If you’re always being faithful with what you’re given, you won’t get stuck in that mindset!

I think today’s Daily Thought needs to be a topic in your lunch room, instead of complaining about the fax machine or all the things on your to-do list today. Your email is already open, so send it to your colleagues and friends now! We all need encouragement and sometimes that push to keep moving forward. Like and comment here, I want to know you’re alive and kicking!

3 Tools to Beat This Economy

There are millions of people who are drowning in debt and suffocating under financial pressure, and most blame the economy for their financial struggles. “I can’t get a job because of the economy!” “I can’t pay my bills because of the economy!” “I’m in debt because of the economy!”

But then there are lots of others experiencing outrageous success in the exact same economy. It raises the question – if the economy was truly to blame for either success or failure, then why isn’t everyone experiencing the same success or failure?

Are you ready for this? It’s not the economy! It’s you. Those succeeding in this economy are obviously doing something completely different than the ones who are failing. They know that it’s never the circumstances that determine success in life – it’s how you deal with the circumstances.

What do circumstances have to do with all of this? Here’s the deal. You can either use the economy as an excuse and do what the other 98% of the population is doing – sit back and hope for the economy to change. OR you can become part of this 2% or people who is figuring out how to make themselves more valuable by learning how to thrive in any economy.

There’s a very simple principle I learned when I first got into business, and that is the marketplace pays for value. That principle has helped me, as well as hundreds of thousands of people to succeed in a downtime market. My clients have gotten giant raises, bonuses, and promotions in their jobs, and their businesses have exploded, all because they have increased their value.

I know you’re saying, “HOW can I increase my value?” It’s easy… The only way to increase your value is to increase your skill. It’s NOT about your personality, your looks, where you were born, your family, or your background. It’s your skill.

There are 3 skill sets that make you valuable in any economy – professional skills, people skills, and leadership development skills. All of these skill sets will increase your value and your income.

Professional skills. Whether you are a doctor, estate agent, mechanic, waitress, teacher, home business owner, or customer service rep, you must know the basics of your profession. You must be willing to learn new, specialized skills. The difference in a professional and an amateur is your skill.

People skills. People are everywhere! You work with them, live with them, buy things from them, and sell things to them. And where does money come from? People! If you learn more about people than you do anything else, you will be unusually successful. If you learn great people skills, you will attain income security. Those who do not have people skills are usually the first to be laid off.

Personal development & leadership skills. People with high leadership skills have extremely high influence and high value in the marketplace. They are consistently working on improving themselves, and they raise up other leaders. They have a “no excuse” mindset. They focus on producing results. They do not let circumstances define their success, but they take personal responsibility to create their own success.
It’s time to stop using the economy as an excuse. Because the reality is, if you do the same thing you’ve always done, you’ll get the same thing you’ve always gotten. So you have to take your skills to the next level. If you want to truly succeed in this economy, you’ve got to master professional skills, people skills, and personal development and leadership skills.

Go ahead and take a few minutes right now to evaluate your skill levels in these 3 areas. (How will you know where you stand? Look at the result – your income.) If you would like to increase your income, grow your business, get promoted in your job, and finally get out of debt and on your way to financial independence in 2013, this is where you must start.

Before I sign off for today, would you please help me with something? It’s no secret that people around the world are struggling financially. You have in front of you today a message that will equip people to pull themselves out of a financial pit. And all we have to do is get the message to them. So please just send this to them today!

Have a great day 
