Stop Making Excuses and Grow Your Business – Growth

Hi and good morning to you,

Today I’m looking out from my office window, down the garden and theres a very light frost on the ground. We’ve been blessed so far this year we’ve had no snow yet here in the UK and this is the first frost I’ve seen.
When it comes to growing your business, there is one thing you must ALWAYS be doing. It may be Easter Holidays soon, but that is no excuse! You have to continually expose your product, service or ideas. And sometimes you have to think outside the box.

There is no limit to the different ways you can get your offer out to others who need to see or hear it. Think about it – TV and radio commercials, newspaper and magazine ads, on the Internet, flyers and talking to other people.

A lot of people spend big money on advertising, but they overlook one form of exposure that is absolutely free! This form of exposure will help you build your business, meet new clients and recruit new staff for your company.

Let’s say you are opening a restaurant. You got finance to start up your restaurant. The money pays for everything you need to begin operating – equipment, tables, chairs, tablecloths, silverware, menus and signs. It pays for all the initial food and uniforms for your staff. But by the time you open, you have spent all your money on equipment and staff, and you have no money left for advertising.

What are you going to do? How will you let people know your restaurant even exists? Most people think, “Well, I hope people will find it.” No! People won’t just happen to wander in one day. You will go out of business if you do not find a way to bring people through your front door. What would you do?

You would have to talk to everyone you know and let them know about your restaurant. If you picked up the phone and called everyone – your immediate family, extended family, past colleagues, old high school friends, church members, old bosses, the plumber, the family doctor and dentist, mechanic, hairdressers, manicurists, friends, acquaintances from your kids’ school, teachers – you would gain an enormous amount of business.

There is a ton of missed business because people do not promote their product or service to their own list of resources. But those who do use this form of exposure often have a huge number of new and returning customers… and it’s all free!

I know of someone who used this form of exposure in a very strategic way. She is a manicurist who needed to expand her business. When she first started, she exposed her business every day. Once she got a healthy clientele, she did what most people do and stopped exposing. And as her clientele dwindled, she blamed the economy.

She was told, “You can use the economy or holiday time as an excuse and go broke like everyone else out there, or you can get back to exposing your business aggressively.” She brainstormed several ways she could expose her business and bring in new clients.

She called a bank manager (because banks typically have lots of female employees) and offered a free manicure as an incentive for the employee who got the most accounts, loan applications or department referrals. The branch manager loved it because this incentive was great for the bank, and it did not cost them a penny!

She got her name out to that entire bank branch and brought in brand new clients, all from one phone call. As a result, she increased her income by £800 in the first 30 days.

How are you exposing your business today? If you are not continually building your client base, seeking new referrals and increasing your exposure, your business will not grow. You should constantly be adding to your list of resources, meeting new people and building new relationships. Don’t be like 98% of the people who are blaming the economy, using the Easter holidays as an excuse to MISS OUT! You should always be thinking about different ways you can attract new clients you would normally not have access to, just like the manicurist did.

I would also love to hear your ideas of how to increase exposure for your business. Leave your comments for me and make sure to Like and Share today’s message.

That’s it for today, I want you to think right now, “who can I tell today about my business?” because you need to be growing your business and telling 3 new people everyday.

This is your life now make it count.

Stay blessed

Andrew 🙂        FinancialPeaceUK

Follow me at:  @FinPeaceUK   @AndrewChenery   @BHPGardenDesign

Empowered Like Never Before –


Hi Friends,

Wow I am completely blown away, encouraged, motivated like never before since Escaping The Rat Race and providing for myself. Ive just got back from our yearly conference and I am shocked at how much dedication and determination our management team are giving us by providing us with the tools to do the job.

Whether you are in business for yourself or working for someone else, do you have to correct tools to do your job or the work you need to do? Do you always wish it would be easier if I had that tool or if this worked better it would be so much easier. Well most of you know that I’ve been involved with Network Marketing since 1992 and have worked for a few companies until I found the fit for me. Now I know I have the perfect glove that fits what I want to be doing.

I initially needed more income coming in alongside my full time Landscaping Business, I needed more time freedom to allow me time with my family, children’s school assemblies and other things during the day, like being able to ‘do lunch’ or ‘do coffee’ when ever i wanted to and not worry about the money not coming in while I was taking time out from working.

Thats the beauty of Residual Income which basically means being paid forever just for doing something once, my previous companies I’d worked for, and when I was employed I only got paid for the hours I did or for the products I made, and when I didn’t work I didn’t get paid and that sucked.

Now I visit a client once and show them how to easily save money and then I get paid from that one visit every month month after month – forever, now that is the power of Residual Income providing time freedom.

But we’ve now been given even better tools by the leaders in our business, tools that get the job done so much easier than ever before with little to no room for error and guaranteed success.

Do you have the correct tools, are your leaders in your job, business or industry keeping with cutting edge technology to make it easier to do your job, provide better earnings for you and therefore better income for the business?

Never before have I been this excited about my future and the possibilities it gives me and all those in our business to achieve the dreams they set out to achieve.

If you are based in the UK and would like to know more about the business I’m in then please call me on 01394 549364 or 087930 464461 for a chat and I’d love to be able to help you.

Ok the suns shining this morning and my morning cup of coffee is waiting for me outside, so have an awesome day stay blessed and seek those better tools today.


Andrew 🙂

How To Prosper –

Hi Friends,

Today I want to visit with you about seasons of famine and seasons of plenty. You see, in life… things happen. And occasionally they spin totally out of your control. You never know when you’ll have an emergency, a sudden left turn or get stuck without a job.

Sometimes you plant the right seeds, you till, you slave and you nourish those seeds. But if you plant during a season of drought you might not be seeing the crop you worked so hard for.

The only way to see yourself through these times, is to prepare for the season of famine. If you are gluttonous or a spoiled brat addicted to pleasures, you will not survive the famine! He who tills his land will have plenty of food, But he who follows empty pursuits will have poverty in plenty. (Proverbs 28:19)

Learn to get your body off the drugs of spending on pleasures and luxuries. You need to condition yourself to live a simple a life so you can accumulate wealth while others are going broke. This will also provide you with a reserve during the seasons of famine.

What season are you currently in? If you are in seasons of plenty:

  1. Work on paying off your debt NOW, while you can.
  2. Simplify your lifestyle, sell stuff you don’t need and live on less.
  3. Don’t spend every dime you make! If you spend every dollar you make, you are not being a good steward of your seeds. But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.(Deuteronomy 8:18)

If you are in a season of famine:

  1. Don’t use credit cards to keep up a facade of financial stability. SIMPLIFY
  2. If you don’t have an income, get one now. Whiners will starve, do-ers will win (and eat).
  3. Take responsibility and make the needed changes. Stop blaming the economy, the job market, your parents or whatever!
  4. Grow your skills. Especially with people. Remember, opportunity comes from people and so does money.
  5. Stop looking for the easy way to succeed. It will lead you to a dead end!
  6. As soon as you start making money, don’t spend it! Refer to back to the tips for seasons of plenty.

Our first 10 years in business we made money and repeatedly lost it! After that we finally got smart and figured out how to make, keep and grow it.

It starts with killing your greed and gluttony. Great wealth is in the house of the righteous, But trouble is in the income of the wicked.(Proverbs 15:6) I’m not saying you can’t have fun or pleasures. I’m saying get off the drug of excess. You will massively decrease your stress once you simplify.

Don’t fear your season of famine, prepare for it! Share your thoughts with me on today’s message and don’t forget to Like and Share this with your friends or family. What season is your life in?

Have an amazing day and stay blessed


How to Spend Your Tax Refund –

Tax refund
Hi Friends,
I’m sat in my office this morning thinking about what happened to a friend yesterday, when he told me he’d had a nice tax refund from Her Majesty’s Government, and what he was going to spend it on, but it made me start thinking.

What is a tax refund? I know it may sound silly, but I really want you to think about it. What is it?

A tax refund is just that – a refund of your own hard-earned money. It is not a random gift or a stroke of good luck. It didn’t just come out of nowhere… and it’s NOT extra money. It’s money you worked hard to earn.

According to research  half of us receive refunds, averaging around £1500 each. And while that may seem like a huge relief to some people, it may look like a free shopping trip to others. But today I want us to look at what it really is.

See, we all live in a total “microwave” society today, where we do what we want, when we want, just because we can, without giving any thought to our financial future. And where has that got us? We have traded our financial freedom for more stuff, more debt and more bondage.

We fall into the trap of “more-more-more,” until we find ourselves buried alive in debt. So many people are in constant financial strain, and yet we are more concerned about our stuff than we are about our long-term financial future!

I know right now you’re saying, “Okay Andrew, so what does this have to do with my tax refund?”

There’s one rule proven to be true over and over again, and it is true here. Find out what everyone else is doing and do the exact opposite. You may have heard me say this before: 98% of the population will end up dead or dead broke by the age of 65, dependent on their friends, family, or the government as their main source of income. On the other hand, 2% are doing well financially.

So what can you do to cross over from the 98% to the 2% this tax season? Here are a few ideas:

  1. Keep your goals in mind. When you get a large, unexpected (or expected) chunk of money in your hand, it can be easy to lose sight of the financial goals you have set for yourself. Whether you have a goal to pay off £10,000 of debt, give £10,000 away to orphans, or invest £10,000 this year, do not lose sight of that goal!
  2. Resist temptation. There are all kinds of sales and advertisements, and even articles from so-called “financial experts” giving tons of ideas on how to spend your tax refund this year. They are trying to sell you everything from new clothes to a new BBQ, video games, or even a deposit on a new car. I’m telling you, don’t go there!
  3. Invest. So instead of spending your tax refund foolishly, choose to put that money aside for investing! This way you have a chance to make your money work for you without the fear of losing big.

Here’s what I know about you. You are not called to be one of those people. You were designed for wealth and freedom. How do I know that? Because you are here right now, reading this. Because you have a desire to succeed financially. You have a desire to see your children, your friends, and your community live debt-free, totally financially independent lives.

I would love to know what you think about today’s message. Are you getting (or have you got) a tax refund this year? What do you plan to do with it? I can’t wait to read your comments. But I also have a few more ideas on how to spend your tax refund that I can’t wait to share with you tomorrow. Stay tuned!

I pray you choose wisely today to invest your time and money into building your future not destroy it.

Have an awesome day & stay blessed


Get Paid For Doing Your Chores –

Cash pic

Hi Friends,

As we are on the crest of a new season, it is the perfect time to sit down and figure out what you would like to happen in the next few months. What would you like to accomplish, where would you like to go?

This is a great time to clean out your garage, de-clutter that attic, organize the cupboards and clean out your car. That probably wasn’t the fun answer you were looking for, but let me explain how all of this can actually HELP you out.

The season we are prepping to enter is all about fresh, new things. SO today I want to share a few fresh ideas to help you dump the old and fatten your wallet while you’re at it.

1. In the coming weeks, the weather will start getting nicer – it’s just got to… right!? So start planning a garage sale! As you’re cleaning your house, sorting through the clutter that has accumulated over the last year, and organizing the garage, use this opportunity to get rid of the things you no longer use. Have the kids grown out of their clothes and shoes? Do you have extra tools lying around that never get used? You can even get together with several other families and have a huge multi-family garage sale! This is a great way to make some quick cash AND rid your home of all that clutter.

2. As you are cleaning behind the washer and dryer or vacuuming the sofa cushions, start a coin collection. You’d be surprised how quickly coins add up between the cup holder in your car and the pile on your dressing table.

3. Stop going to the car wash. By cutting your own lawn, washing your car or pets at home, you will save pounds in the long run. Now that the weather will be more bearable there is no excuse to pay someone else to do work around the house.

Those may seem like 3 very small things that may not matter very much. But here’s what most people get wrong when it comes to money: They think they have to wait to pay off their debt until they can do it all at once. They think they have to make huge changes or no changes at all. They think the small changes or actions are insignificant, so they don’t make them.

But the TRUTH is, small, simple steps lead to big results. If you wait until you make more money or you win the lottery, or you can afford to pay off all your debt at once, you will stay broke and in debt the rest of your life.

So choose today to make the small changes. Choose to follow the tips I gave you today. And I would really love to hear your best spring cleaning tips as well – especially if they will help others save money or make money! Leave me your comments and be sure to Like and Share today’s message.

Stayed blessed and have an amazing day.


Utility Prices Still Going Up? – Andrew Chenery


Now’s the time to change for your household or business…

We’ve all seen the headlines and shocking news that energy companies are still pushing up our bills whilst announcing huge profits, and we can do little about it.

Well now is the chance to change that – at least for your household or business.

If you were shown a way to reduce your utility charges each month, with no obligation to take the offer – would you want to see how much you could save?

A local business now offers you that chance. Based in Felixstowe,
Financial PeaceUK can come and show you how you can start saving money, for the same products!

• What does paying less mean to you?
• How would you like to save money?
• Does the cost of having the heating on worry you?

Well we can help reduce those costs for you, taking away those worries!

An appointment with you is totally free, we do not charge you anything – and remember you are under no obligation to take these savings available if you choose not to – we only ask that you take a look.

We can show households and businesses how they could save money on their utility bills despite having contracts with other providers. If you are happy with the savings we can make you, we will take care of making the changes, and again we do not charge for this – we want you to have total Financial Peace!

P.S. Should you decide to accept our offer, there are also savings to be made on other shopping purchases.

To make an appointment contact Andrew in Felixstowe on: 07930 464461 to discuss or request a call back

or email:

Tips to Achieving v Failing

There is a phrase we use in our office all the time. It’s a very powerful phrase that really relieves stress and pressure and brings such a glorious freedom. “Everyone needs an editor.”

If you have ever felt an expectation of perfection in your work, you know the kind of stress that comes with that. The reality is, mistakes happen. And speaking from the perspective of a boss, we know that! We expect that. We do not expect you to be perfect – we just expect you to give it your best shot.

But for some reason, most people have gotten it in their heads that they have to be perfect and get everything right the first time, every time. That expectation of perfection causes you to get stressed out and to actually make more mistakes. It creates pressure, and that pressure causes you to manage your time poorly. Excellence, efficiency, and creativity absolutely do NOT flow out of pressure.

This is where an editor comes in. To edit, by definition, means to prepare for public presentation.

When I finish writing this letter to you today, there will be not one, but TWO editors who will go line-by-line to find any spelling errors, formatting mistakes, and inconsistencies. But imagine what would happen if I got offended when they pointed out the mistakes I have made? Imagine if I refused the help of these two amazing editors. You would be reading a letter that is FULL of mistakes right now
We need each other in order to succeed. We need other people to pull the best out in us – we cannot do that on our own! We cover each other’s weaknesses. Have you heard the phrase, “Two heads are better than one”? It’s so true!

So instead of getting defensive when I get this letter back after it’s been edited and coming up with excuses for why I made those mistakes, I say, “Oh, thank you for pointing that out!”

This is exactly what we have to do in life – at work, at home, in our families and communities. Everyone needs an editor!

What does an editor do? They correct mistakes. Yes, they correct you! They point out errors and help you to adjust, adapt, or change. And why? To help you get better.

How do you respond to correction? What do you say to your “editors” at work? (That may be your boss or your manager, or even your colleagues, who correct you in order to help you and the whole team grow.) Do you get defensive, and say, “Yeah, I know!” or “You know what I meant!”? When your faults are called out, do you rebel against the one who pointed them out? Do you refuse to hear what they have to say? This is total rebellion, insubordination, and dishonor. Rebellious and insubordinate people try to hide their faults, and they are not teachable.

So do not respond to correction with dishonor. Respond with honour and gratitude, because you NEED correction in order to grow, learn, and mature. You need correction in order to get promotions, raises, and bonuses. If you want to advance in your business or career, correction must be part of your life. So welcome correction! It is the only way you will get where you want to go!

Remember that pressure of perfection I told you about earlier? Correction – having an “editor” – relieves that pressure. Perfection can only come through correction.

In order to receive correction, you must be teachable. Teachability is the key to long-lasting success, no matter what you do. When – not if – we make mistakes, whether or not we are teachable will determine if we learn from those mistakes or if we continue making the same mistakes again and again. Teachability requires you to put your ego aside and be willing to learn from the “editors” in your life.

EVERYONE needs an editor! We all make mistakes. Editors help us to correct those mistakes and to learn from them. Then, and only then, we can mature and grow to the next level, whether that is in your job, your business, your home, or your community.

Who do you know that needs to be relieved of the pressure of perfection today? Who do you know that is struggling with feeling like they always just make too many mistakes? This would be a great way to encourage those people. I know this phrase has relieved pressure here in our own office, and it has impacted me in a big way as well. So just go ahead and forward this email to your friends, family, and colleagues, or post this link on Facebook and Twitter.

Click Here for residual UK based business

Get Things Done

Have you noticed how busy people are today? It’s almost as if busyness is perceived as success… As if being busy was the same as getting things done.

I think in today’s world, we tend to glorify busyness. Just look around you. Think about how many times a day you hear others say, “Gosh, I’m so busy today!” or “Wow, what a busy week!” How many times a day do you feel like you’re running around in circles, jumping from one task to another, all the while, taking phone calls, texting, and answering emails?

We teach our kids to be busy, between homework and football and sailing and piano lessons and dance and gymnastics and church and chores. You hand them a piece of toast and rush them out the door early in the morning to take them to school, and then pick them up after school and race from one activity to the next, and picking up dinner from a drive-thru somewhere in there. By the time you get home in the evening, everyone is wiped out and grouchy, and it’s time for bed. (Sleep, wake up, repeat.)

We are busy at work and busy at home. We are busy in the car while driving, busy at the dinner table, and we’re even busy while we’re on the toilet! We are busy 24/7.

What does it feel like to be busy? Your heart is beating fast, you may be short of breath, and you feel like you just can’t move fast enough. You’re trying to keep up with your to-do list that seems to be growing faster than you’re marking things off. You’re working 60 hours a week just so you don’t get any further behind than you already are.

There’s something I learned many years ago, and I’m telling you, I live by this truth. That is, you do not get paid for the time you put in, but for the results you produce. When you produce results, you raise your value, which means you raise your pay.

But it seems like most people today are so busy, we aren’t getting anything done. We are so busy, we aren’t producing results. And if we’re not producing results – at home, at school, at work, at church – we’re wasting time, energy, and money. Busyness produces stress, burnout, no fun, poor relationships, and poor health. We can be busy, or we can be productive. One produces results, and one produces excuses. (When’s the last time you heard – or even said – “I can’t, I’m busy”?)

It’s so easy to fill hours with non-productive things. It’s easy to over-complicate things and create more work for ourselves.

That’s why it’s so important to identify and eliminate the nonsense things on your list. What is on your to-do list that is not benefiting you, your business, your career, your health, or your family? What unnecessary steps can you eliminate from your processes in order to streamline and simplify? What distractions are in your life that cause your focus to be scattered? All of these things lead to busyness, not productivity.

This is so NOT just about making more money, though that is part of it. This is about eliminating stress, having more fun, setting the right example for your children, protecting your health, and accomplishing your goals.

It’s easy to get into a rut of busyness and to just stop thinking about what we’re doing and whether or not we’re producing results. But today, let’s stop and check that out. Do not go mindlessly through your day today. Instead, pay attention to what you’re doing and look at the results you’re getting. The results will tell you where your focus should be!

The majority of the population is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, always doing something, but not producing consistent results. But you are not supposed to be one of them. How do I know that? Because you are reading this post right now. You are reading this because it’s time for you to step up and take control of your time.

When you do this, you will make more money, have less stress, have more time to spend with your friends and family, and finally be able to accomplish the goals that you have continued to put off because you’ve just been too busy to do anything about them. My friend, it’s time to stop the glorification of “busy”, and start producing results!

Who do you know that needs to read this today? Go ahead and pass this link along to your friends, family, and colleagues, or even forward the email or print it out for them. Can you imagine if your entire family or company was focused on producing results instead of just being busy all the time? What a different environment that would be. 🙂